
Know Yourself

Spiritual dimension of the Enneagram Ibn `Arabi Published in the Classical Wisdom Texts serieson September 27, 2024Softcover, 168 pagesPrice: 22 €ISBN 978-3-936718-76-8 Order here Explanation of the unity of being Eine Erklärung der Einheit des Seins This short text...

Intelligence of Awakening – Navigating the Wisdom Path

Intelligence of Awakening – Navigating the Wisdom Path

Publisher: Gateways Books & Tapes, 2019Paperback, 430 Seiten Order here This book illuminates the path to liberation for those who turn inward, beyond the boundaries of religious denominations, and rise above the attachments in life in order to attain knowledge of...

The Birth of the Lion

The Birth of the Lion

Dialogues of Self-Inquiry (auf deutsch erschienen bei LĂĽchow) advaitaMedia 2003Hardcover, 230 pages, slightly abridged translation of the German "Die Geburt des Löwen"Price: 19,50 €ISBN: 978-3936718027 Order here In his introductory autobiography "The Birth of...

Nan Yar? Who Am I?

Bilingual edition - German-English (advaitaMedia 3. Edition 2018)Hardcover, 86 PagesPrice: 20,00 €ISBN: 978-3936718003 Order here “Who am I?” is the title of a series of questions and answers dealing with the subject of self-inquiry. The questions were put to Sri...

The Myth of Enlightenment

An Interview with OM C. Parkin advaitaMedia 2018 (First Edition 1996)Booklet, 20 pagesPrice: 7,00 €ISBN: 978-3-9361718-56-0 Hier bestellen This small booklet contains a conversation in which OM radically does away with the superstition and the preconceptions that have...

About us


Coming soonadvaitaMedia is a publishing house for pearls of wisdom literature which, since its foundation in 2000, has made it its mission to publish media that reflect the eternal wisdom that transcends time, culture and religion, the ‘Philosophia perennis’. Its core concept a-dvaita (Sanskrit: non-duality) encompasses the eternal One, the indivisible being in the SELF, the divine principle, the unio mystica, the TAO – all of these are synonyms on the inner path to the boundless All-One.

From the very beginning, it has been our heartfelt desire to bring the publications of the spiritual master OM C. Parkin to the world and at the same time to preserve ancient wisdom knowledge as well as to give other living wisdom teachers the opportunity to reach a readership of spiritual seekers through their publications. In addition, advaitaMedia is committed to making out-of-print but indispensable pearls of wisdom literature available again to today’s seekers through new editions. The advaitaMedia publishing house is not primarily profit-oriented and is grateful for donations in the form of book sponsorships.

Through its integration into the OM Foundation Inner Science, the publishing house is part of a field around OM C. Parkin – one of the few living spiritual masters in the West. The modern Saunstorf Monastery, which serves students of wisdom literature with a variety of courses to transform mental knowledge into integral living (heart) knowledge, is also part of the above-mentioned field.

Once you have seriously immersed yourself in the spiritual search and encountered a true wisdom teacher, you yourself become a seeker of traces and a lover of wisdom literature, thus contributing to the revival of Eastern and Western teaching traditions. At advaitaMedia, this is also reflected in the fact that the diverse commitment to the publishing house has so far been almost entirely voluntary. We are all there for you with heart and soul!


Birte Kling 

Holger Rehberg 

Your own self is your highest teacher (Sadguru). The external teacher (Guru) is merely a milestone. Only your inner teacher will guide you to the goal, for He is the goal.

Nisargadatta Maharaj

Publishing history


Founding and origin of the publishing house

At the beginning of this small publishing house for great wisdom literature was the spoken word, the Advaita teachings passed on by OM in oral tradition. After his awakening in 1990, OM began giving Darshan in the early 1990s. His Darshans attracted more and more people in search of truth, coming from various parts of Germany and neighboring countries. Not everyone could attend all Darshans in person, which created the need for audio recordings, transcriptions, and other written materials that could also serve to spread the teachings further.

Development of publications and media

In addition to audiotapes and transcriptions, several smaller writings emerged, as well as the advaitaJournal, an extensive magazine focused on current articles by and interviews with living Advaita teachers, as well as important traditional Advaita texts with contemporary commentary. The journal was published by a working group primarily composed of students.

Founding of advaitaMedia Publishing House

In 1998, OM’s first book, The Birth of the Lion, was published by Alf LĂĽchow-Verlag. More books were planned, and it became clear that having a dedicated publishing house for spreading OM’s teachings would be beneficial. This publishing house would also release other particularly valuable, unpublished, or out-of-print gems of wisdom literature. Under OM’s guidance, the advaitaMedia publishing house was founded in May 2000, a few months after the turn of the millennium.

Cooperation and growth of the publishing house

This happened with full awareness that a small publishing house with such a specialized offering and high standards would only appeal to a select readership, and its survival in the modern media landscape was by no means guaranteed. A partnership with the renowned Joachim Kamphausen Verlag was formed, allowing advaitaMedia to operate under the label of advaitaMedia within J. Kamphausen Verlag until it could stand on its own after a few years.

Publication of significant works and distribution

In the meantime, several significant works had been published by advaitaMedia, including a new edition of Nan Yar? (Who Am I?) by Ramana Maharshi, the great Indian sage and Advaita teacher, a new edition of Ouspensky/Gurdjieff’s The Fourth Way, a reissue and translations of The Birth of the Lion, further books by OM such as Eye to Eye with Yourself, Thunderbolt and Temple Silence – Teachings of a Modern Zen Master for Every Day of the Year, and more recently OM’s comprehensive spiritual teaching work Intelligence of Awakening, followed by Spiritual Mastery and several smaller works. Additionally, translations from Russian, such as Sumiran’s Dialogues in Being, from American authors like Adyashanti’s The Most Important Thing, and from French, Arnaud Desjardins’ Ever-Present Peace were published. To distribute the books, an online shop called The Spiritual Bookstore was established, and at Saunstorf Monastery, a small physical bookstore sells books from advaitaMedia and other spiritual publishers.

Ongoing challenges and support

At external events such as Darshans or lectures by OM, book tables are available on-site. In its more than 20 years of existence, advaitaMedia has grown into a successful publishing house. However, this success does not extend to the economic or material level, as the focus on pure wisdom teachings—open only to a small circle—and the avoidance of esoteric popular literature, which attracts a much larger audience, have kept sales numbers relatively low. There is an option to sponsor the production costs of a specific book or to contribute, possibly through regular donations, toward the creation of a paid position within the publishing house.

The eternal word is only heard in silence.

Meister Eckhart

Book sponsorship

For a publishing house that specializes in pearls of wisdom literature, financing the production of new books is a challenge. We can only realize new releases with the support of many, and we are grateful that, through the financial contributions of those who value wisdom literature, our titles can appear in bookstores. In this way, our exclusive titles, which are published in small print runs, find a truly interested readership.

Titles such as Alchemy of Transformation by the American spiritual teacher Lee Lozowick, who passed on the teachings of the Baul tradition, or Mariana Caplan’s Eyes Wide Open!, which was awarded the best spiritual book of the year in the United States in 2010, were able to appear on the German market thanks to book sponsorships.

If spiritual pearls of wisdom are also close to your heart, become a book sponsor. We will work with you to find out how you can support one of our projects.

Warm regards,
Birte Kling

Voices of our book sponsors:

Being a book sponsor for advaitaMedia Publishing means being a midwife for precious words, bringing them into valuable books. These books need to be produced—on tangible paper, printed and bound according to the old art of bookmaking. But in a world where many unnecessary words are lost and much chatter prevails, such books do not sell well enough to cover production costs. That’s why it takes people who value giving these words the strength to come into the world.

Nurturing and closely accompanying this process is simply wonderful. The publishing house keeps me informed about the current status, and I feel like part of the endeavor. Contributing in this way, so that the knowledge of the teachings, and thus liberating knowledge, remains available to those who seek it, is a heartfelt concern that nourishes me.

It is a particular joy to be able to sponsor a book by my beloved teacher OM. His words, written and spoken, have accompanied me for a long time. In his works, a connection and deepening of various other essential texts take place. OM is a virtuoso in phrasing, creative in expression, and a master of words. It is a blessing to help bring such a work into the world.

Elina Hildebrand

When a book sponsor was sought for the 3rd edition of the textbook Intelligence of Awakening by my beloved teacher OM C. Parkin, I felt a spontaneous impulse to take on this role. It was a clear decision from the heart. The universal wisdom texts contained within have been a constant companion on my inner journey since its first publication in 2010. In general, the study of wisdom literature is an essential part of my spiritual path, and this particular work, in my view, provides the deepest understanding of spiritual awakening within the Western cultural context. It conveys universal knowledge and is therefore one of the most valuable sources of guidance on the inner journey.

I have read the book countless times since its first release in 2010, and each time it leads me to a deeper understanding of the fundamental questions of life and human nature. The deep and precise insights significantly help me in understanding connections and support my inner research. It was therefore a heartfelt concern for me to promote the continued transmission of this universal knowledge, in the hope that it may reach many more people in the future who are searching for wisdom and guidance.

Kicki von Michel

Yes, I was quite surprised by your request, but within me there was simply a YES, and I followed it, even when I heard how much it would cost and that I wouldn’t even be able to deduct it from my taxes (as a donation). It felt natural to be able to give something back for all that I have received since my first encounter with OM. Deep openings continue to emerge within me, and processes unfold that are not always pleasant but very intense. And after the printing, when the costs were even higher, something else broke open inside me. I was able to move my ergonomic practice from my basement existence to the most prominent place in town, the village square. Suddenly, two commercial units opened up, one directly above the other, after years of searching for a way to expand. Internally, it feels like an opening to the outside. Yes, I can show myself, and my work is valuable and deserves to be seen. I can naturally present myself in the heart of the town with my abilities. Now other processes are unfolding, because I no longer have control. I can only follow what is, or I’ll go in circles. The processes never end…

Ludwig Sieber

For a long time, I felt that anger was my strongest force, and I wished for a natural way to deal with it. But it had often been abused in my life, so I rarely trusted it and weakened it with doubt.

When, at the beginning of 2020, during a block with OM, the second book in the Enneagram Trilogy, the Book of Anger, was announced, I immediately thought: This is for me! I know those moments when I don’t have to think long, I just know and take action. This was one of those moments; I became the sponsor of the first edition.

I appreciate the precise expression of the “spiritual acupuncturist,” the compactness—even if I may have to read it three times in the end. And now I have a clearer understanding of the primal force of anger, its effects, and side effects. This knowledge can serve as a healing guide in phases of not-knowing.

Norbert Kaden

When I was approached a few years ago about whether I could imagine sponsoring the book The Birth of the Lion, I wasn’t really surprised that it resonated with me, as I have always had a special connection to the lion through my zodiac sign, Leo. I spent a few days with the question and remember how I decided to go for it. It was partly because I simply wanted to experience what it would be like to donate a significant amount of money—something I had never done before. There was also the desire to give something back. However, the fact that the book was already in print made it a bit difficult, as it was too late for my name to be mentioned in the book as a sponsor. I thought, “It would have been nice to see my name in a book.” A shame, but I still agreed. Through supporting this project, I felt an inner connection with the book, the place, the teachings, and OM. I knew it was about the birth of the lion within me.

One day, I was reading the part of OM’s autobiography about the pact with the devil. An intense and unending burning in my heart touched me and clearly showed me the way. Questions arose. What is the pact with the devil? What happens there? It was clear that I had to go there, and so, with fear, I decided to embark on an inner journey to that place. It turned out to be one of the most significant journeys on my path so far. I felt that this process alone was a great gift that came back to me through the book.

Even today, it remains one of those books I like to pick up now and then, and I always feel that strong burning in my heart while reading between the lines, reminding me of the essential.

Claudia Fenzl

Self-enquiry leads directly to Self-realization by removing the obstacles
which make you think that the Self is not already realized.

Ramana Maharshi


Dear lovers of wisdom literature,

Producing select books of this quality is only possible through combined efforts!

If you would like to contribute to helping a precious gem of eternal philosophy take its final step to publication, we warmly welcome your involvement. Our goal is to follow the heartfelt mission of bringing more treasures of wisdom literature into the world—do you feel called to join us?

Here are some practical ways you can make this a reality:

  • A small or larger donation to the account of advaitaMedia GmbH, or now easily via PayPal—every amount is appreciated.
  • Book sponsorship—cover part or all of the costs for a book project.
  • Write reviews and post them on online platforms (e.g., Amazon, BĂĽ, Thalia).
  • Participate in PR activities (e.g., contacting bookstores, bringing in creative new ideas, developing and executing strategies that promote networking and sales).
  • Share our online shop (for example, by adding a link in your email signature).

We are happy to connect with you for any questions or suggestions.

Your advaitaMedia team

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advaitaMedia GmbH
IBAN: DE21 1304 0000 0355 0662 00

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Who are you? Are you ready to experience, for a moment, simply being?
Without effort. Without holding on, without letting go.
To be what you are, without knowing how?

OM C. Parkin


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Birte Kling
Phone: 038424227936

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