Experience Books

Event information

Here you will find a selection of our events.


Conference 'Knowledge and Devotion' with OM C. Parkin, Mary Angelon Young, and Jacques Vigne

Fri – Sun, September 6 - 8, 2024 | Gut Saunstorf Monastery

The Path of Knowledge and the Path of Devotion—for a true encounter, perhaps even a union of two seemingly opposing inner forces to occur, discernment is first required. What does the 'Path of Knowledge' mean? What misunderstandings about it exist in the mind of an (inner) person? On the other hand, what does it mean to follow a 'Path of Devotion'?


Book Release 'Know Yourself – Explanation of the Unity of Being' with OM C. Parkin

Fri, September 27 | Gut Saunstorf Monastery

The new release at advaitaMedia by Ibn 'Arabi - following an introduction to the work, OM C. Parkin will read and briefly comment on quotes from the book.

Ibn 'Arabi introduces a view of the world that is quite different from the view many people hold. He clarifies that for the realization of unity with being, it is not necessary to eliminate the 'separate' self or ego, because this illusory self has never existed. Instead, it is necessary to know your true self to recognize your unity with all being.


Ora et Labora Days at Gut Saunstorf Monastery

27 - 31 October 2024 (Sun - Thu) | Gut Saunstorf Monastery

A time when we detach from our daily routines to devote ourselves to reflection and being with ourselves. During this period, we consciously experience the various levels of our being—through physical and mental work as well as contemplation, the silent observation. These are days dedicated to the triad of praying, working, and reading.

The ocean does not complain about the dance of ten million waves,
so do not worry about the ups and downs of thoughts.




We are pleased to present and offer you the exceptional selection of wisdom texts from the advaitaMedia publishing house in our bookstore at the modern Monastery Saunstorf—a place of silence. Here, in the modern monastery, the collection is integrated into the vibrant teachings, thus finding its worthy place.

The heartfelt mission of the publishing house is to bring the publications of the awakened master OM C. Parkin into the world and to provide a forum for other older and contemporary authors connected to the publishing line. Additionally, we offer a rich, comprehensive, and exclusive selection of wisdom literature that opens pathways from the perspectives of spiritual masters and teachers from different times, cultures, and traditions, guiding you on your journey inward.

Temporarily, the bookstore is located in a room shared with the monastery shop due to space constraints. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.

We look forward to your visit and are happy to assist you!

Birte Kling, Hermine Pammer, and the bookstore team

Antiquarian bookstore

It is an old monastic tradition to collect and preserve knowledge in the form of books. Thus, an antiquarian bookstore is to be established at Monastery Gut Saunstorf, containing selected wisdom literature from all traditions and eras. These books are intended to serve interested individuals for study and, in part, will also be available for purchase. By donating well-preserved copies of spiritual masterpieces, you can help contribute to the creation of a unique treasure of wisdom at Monastery Gut Saunstorf.

Petra Beckmann

The words of wisdom are not meant for the mind.
They come from silence, they are silent themselves, and they are meant for silence.

OM C. Parkin

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