Wer bin ich? - Einband Buch von Ramana Maharshi

Nan Yar? Who Am I?

Bilingual edition – German-English

(advaitaMedia 3. Edition 2018)
Hardcover, 86 Pages
Price: 20,00 €
ISBN: 978-3936718003

“Who am I?” is the title of a series of questions and answers dealing with the subject of self-inquiry. The questions were put to Sri Ramana Maharshi by a disciple who visited him in a cave on Mount Arunachala in South India in 1902 and asked for spiritual guidance. It is recorded that Ramana Maharshi answered these questions in Tamil, the language he was familiar with. This text was first published in Tamil in 1923, underwent several revisions, was translated into English by an Indian scholar at the University of Madras in 1982 and finally translated into a modern German version in 2002. Because of the beauty and power of the English text, it has been placed alongside the German translation in this edition, so that the text is reproduced in two languages.

This work is one of the only two prose pieces among Ramana Maharshi’s messages in his own words. They clearly represent the central teaching that self-enquiry is the direct path to liberation. The particular way in which inquiry should be conducted is clearly explained in “Nan Yar?”. In order to honor the preciousness of the text, special emphasis has been placed on a bibliophile design. An illustration of Ramana Maharshi in powerful manhood and a picture of “his” mountain, Arunachala, have been added to the decorative volume. The beautiful decoration justifies the higher price, part of which is passed on to the Sri Ramanasramam in Tiruvannamalai, which still exists today at the foot of Arunachala.

OM C. Parkin wrote a new foreword for the 3rd edition in 2018, which impressively sums up the essence of this spiritual treasure (Volume 1)!

Bilingual edition (German on the left and English on the right side)

Sri Ramana Maharshi

Sri Ramana Maharshi

The most famous Indian wisdom teacher of the 20th century was gripped by fear of death at the age of 16 and decided to seriously investigate the question: “Who is dying?” This led him to the essential question: “Who am I?” He realized the answer was that the body may die, but not the consciousness.

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